Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Herbal Spell Kits

We have been wrestling with the idea of making Spell Herbal Kits. We noticed recently that almost everyone has them so we may not even make them. we ask because many of our whole-sellers are making these kits. We would really like your input on this.
How we would make them:
Each kit would be designed for specific needs from elemental works to protection magic.
In the kits will be herbs (and herb list in case of allergies) A drawstring bag the color for that spell work, Incense that fits the need, Bath Salts that are made for the specific need, And anything else that the specific spell might ask for. There will be an instruction parchment as well. We know many get so busy that they just didn't have the time to put things together for there magic work. We don't want to copy anyone and will try to keep them as original as possible.
We also know many have issues with kits.
What are your thoughts? We love to here from you!

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