I started our Yule line a few weeks ago first introduction is to:
Cthulhu Elder God Ornaments! Yep if you love Lovecraft these are defiantly a must for the tree or a gift to someone who loves the stories.
You can get yours here: https://squareup.com/ market/the-sacred-oak/ elder-ornament-sleeping
Or Here: https://squareup.com/ market/the-sacred-oak/ elder-ornament-eldritch-hol idays
You can share him here: https://www.facebook.com/46069506684/photos/a.58111191684.80565.46069506684/10152966502856685/?type=3&theater
Cthulhu Elder God Ornaments! Yep if you love Lovecraft these are defiantly a must for the tree or a gift to someone who loves the stories.
You can get yours here: https://squareup.com/
Or Here: https://squareup.com/
You can share him here: https://www.facebook.com/46069506684/photos/a.58111191684.80565.46069506684/10152966502856685/?type=3&theater